Scientific integrity policy
91亚色传媒 expects all authors to comply with generally accepted standards to avoid scientific misconduct.
Research regulations
All studies involving human subjects must be approved by the appropriate review board(s) and abide by the . A specific statement declaring approval and Helsinki compliance must be included in the methods section of the abstract. 91亚色传媒 encourages the reporting of animal data using the nomenclature and standards outlined in the . All studies must be approved by the appropriate review board(s) and a specific statement of such an approval must be made in the methods section of the abstract.
Authorship is defined as:
- Making substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data;
- Drafting the abstract or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
- Giving final approval of the version to be published; and
- Agreeing to be accountable for the work and ensuring that questions to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to scientifically defend their work in the format assigned (poster, oral presentation, or both). Failure to do so, if not justified, may result in a notice of retraction in Journal of Biological Chemistry or may jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.
Authors are not permitted to submit an abstract on work that has previously been published. Exception: if additional data/research is added to a previously published abstract, the abstract may be accepted.
The primary author is the first author listed on the abstract and the presenter of the abstract. You may be the primary author of more than one volunteered scientific paper provided that each submission represents distinct research. Only the primary author may present the abstract, unless there are extenuating circumstances requiring a co-author to present instead. Notification to 91亚色传媒 and prior approval from 91亚色传媒 is required. The primary author must have a co-author present if more than one of their abstracts is programmed at the same time.
Abstract review
All abstracts submitted for possible publication and presentation at the conference will be reviewed by programming committees prior to publication in the meeting supplement of Journal of Biological Chemistry. The goal of abstract review is to be inclusive of quality science without compromising scientific integrity. Both authors and reviewers are expected to take their roles seriously. 91亚色传媒 reserves the right to reject any abstract or withdraw acceptance of presentation and/or publication at its sole discretion.