

Graham R. Moran

Graham R. Moran
Graham R. Moran is a professor of biochemistry and Carl Moore endowed research chair at Loyola University Chicago.

Articles by Graham R. Moran

F(i/u)nding your next hypothesis
Life in the Lab

F(i/u)nding your next hypothesis

July 8, 2020
Two veteran research scientists share their strategies for developing new ideas.
What we’ve lost by closing our labs — and what we risk reopening them

What we’ve lost by closing our labs — and what we risk reopening them

June 11, 2020
Two biochemistry professors describe the effects of the COVID-19 shutdown on their students and themselves as they ponder strategies and risks of returning to the bench.
The tenured itch
Professional Development

The tenured itch

Aug. 1, 2019
Midcareer malaise can cause once-engaged scholars to redirect their obsessional natures in nonproductive ways. Audrey Lamb and Graham Moran suggest a range of remedies.