Can our student chapter name be abbreviated?
No. Please refrain from using abbreviations for the student chapter name in official 91亚色传媒 documentation. This ensures accurate tracking of institution chapters. When registering your chapter, use the full name of your institution only. Abbreviations may only be used for informal purposes. Please ensure your institution is written correctly before proceeding.
I am an adviser who submitted a roster of members for our chapter. Why do the members not have “activation” dates?
Once the student chapter roster is finalized and chapter dues have been paid, students will receive an activation email with a link. The email will state that membership activation is required, and students will not be eligible for member benefits until their student profile is complete. Please ensure all email addresses for students are correct before finalizing.
We are a newly established chapter, but noticed our chapter does not appear on the 91亚色传媒 website under “Find a Student Chapter”.
The website is updated annually after the main chapter renewal deadline in December. As a result, new student chapters will not be listed until the end of January the following year.
We have completed all the steps to start a chapter, does the registration fee cover the chapter through the end of 2025 and are we eligible for travel grants?
91亚色传媒 is valid through the calendar year cycle and will remain active until December the following year. As soon as membership is activated, chapter members are eligible for all benefits including travel awards. Reminder: Chapters must renew their dues every year to remain eligible for benefits.
We are switching chapter advisers this year. How do we go about doing that?
The new adviser for the student chapter must log into the and claim the chapter, along with finalizing the student chapter roster.
Are student chapters specifically directed to undergraduate students? Can graduate studentsjoin our chapter as well?
Currently, student chapters are limited to only undergraduate students.
Are international chapters supported?
Yes, we do support international chapters. However, they must be tied to a specific institution rather than a broad geographic region.
Do students need an individual membership if joining a student chapter?
No. Students should not purchase individual student membership prior to the student chapter roster being created. Once the chapter adviser creates and finalizes the student roster, the adviser proceeds with payment for the chapter dues.