
Glycosylation and extracellular matrix in immunologic, inflammatory and infectious disease

June 24, 2020 | Duration: 1 hr. 7 mins.

Glycoprotein recognition is an important part of differentiating self from other, a key role of the immune system. Talks in this session cover how immune-system proteins bind and recognize glycans from potential pathogens, such as canine heartworm parasite; what goes wrong when the immune system misreads peptidoglycans from commensal bacteria as pathogenic; and how inhibiting glycosylation may provide a novel treatment strategy for C. difficile infection.

The talks in this virtual event were originally programmed to take place as an in-person Spotlight Session at the 2020 91亚色传媒 Annual Meeting.


Chair: Ashleigh Paparella

Designing 3D synthetic matrices for studying interactions between bacterial peptidoglycan and macrophages in the context of immune misrecognition diseases
Kimberly Wodzanowski, University of Delaware

A tool to predict affinity and specificity of GAG binding to proteins
Umesh Desai, Virginia Commonwealth University

Natural and synthetic glycan arrays for probing interactions of the innate and adaptive immune system with zwitterionic oligosaccharides
Iain Wilson, Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien

Inhibition of Clostridium difficile TcdB toxin with transition state analogues
Ashleigh Paparella, Albert Einstein College of Medicine